To students who require special assistance [students enrolled in Tokyo municipal junior high schools]

2022 Guide on Special Measures(PDF 2.4MB)

2022: Regarding applying for the “Measures for Students Who Are Unable to Take the ESAT-J Due to Unavoidable Reasons” in the junior high school English speaking test (ESAT-J)(PDF 166.7KB)

Special measures have been set for those who require special assistance. It’s possible to make applications for multiple measures. However, a portion of the measures cannot be applied for at the same time.
If you want to request special measures, apply for the measures before applying to take the test.
*The application period has ended.

Overview of Special Measures
Sight-related (braille, poor vision)
1Undergo test with braille materials (test time extensions available)
2Undergo test with enlarged test pamphlet (test time extensions available)
3Undergo test with enlarged test pamphlet (test time extensions not available)
Sight-related (color-blindness)
4Undergo test with test pamphlet printed in black and white
5Undergo test with voice recordings written out (no listening)
6Undergo test with voice recordings written out (listening)
7Undergo test with listening (voice recording not written out)
Dysphemia / Speech impediment related
8Extension to answer time
Upper-body disability
9Test site measures
Developmental disorders
10Test site measures (test time extensions available)
11Test site measures (test time extensions not available)
Lower-body disability
12Test site measures
Other (If you need assistance with chronic illness or psychologically, etc.)
13Test site measures
Japanese language support
14Support for Japanese language Application Requirements: Those who, regardless of nationality, have been in Japan for a period of less than 6 years in principle as of April 1 of the year following the date in which the test was taken who require Japanese instruction

Details are listed in the “Guide on Special Measures.”

*Regarding classification 8
Students who have applied beforehand will be given the consideration of being told to “listen carefully” during grading. Further, this will include consideration for speech blocks (not being able to speak for a period of time) and consecutive utterances (repetition of sounds) as possible symptoms.

*Measures for Students Who Are Unable to Take the ESAT-J Due to Unavoidable Reasons
The principal of the junior high school will send the designated application form to the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, and the approved student will be considered as having not taken the ESAT-J (May 26, 2022 board of education report) in the Tokyo Municipal High School Admission Academic Achievement Test.

*Measures for students who were not able to take the test due to unavoidable reasons were laid out in the “2023 Tokyo Municipal High School Admission Implementation Guidelines and Details” that was published on September 22, 2022.
