Guidelines for the Development of Tokyo Global Human Resources

Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education the Development of Tokyo Global Human Resources

○ March, 2022

Drafting of Tokyo Global Human Resources Development Guidelines

(1) Outline PDF(PDF 1.8MB)

(2) Main text (Cover to chapter 4) PDF(PDF 3MB)

(3) Main text (Material) PDF(PDF 1.7MB)


In addition to showing the fundamental thought process behind Tokyo’s global human resource development in these guidelines, a variety of projects related to ongoing global human resources development

Additionally, towards the implementation of the "Tokyo Model for Global Human Resources Development” in Tokyo public elementary, junior high and high schools, the guidelines introduce methods to proceed with learning and education and examples of substantive initiatives.

As globalization progresses in various fields, including academics, culture, and economies, both in Japan and abroad, Tokyo's continual development requires a society in which all its members can embrace diverse cultures and demonstrate their abilities freely. In other words, it is essential to try to realize a coexisting society in which all people, regardless of age, nationality, cultural differences, or disabilities, respect each other's human rights and work hand in hand. 

Therefore, children who will live in the coming era need to be able to solve the problems while establishing their own identity, accepting others as they are, and cooperating with people of diverse values. In addition, as opportunities to interact with an increasing number of people from abroad are on the increase, it is more and more necessary to cultivate a proactive attitude toward communication and a rich international sense.

(Excerpt from Tokyo Global Human Resources Development Guidelines, March 2022)

(External link)
Click the banner to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education homepage.

○ 2018

Drafting of the “Tokyo Global Human Resources Development Plan '20” (‘Tokyo Global STAGE '20’)”

(1) Overview PDF(PDF 479.6KB) 

(2) Main text (Cover to chapter 2) PDF(PDF 2MB) 

(3)Main text (Material) PDF(PDF 1.2MB)

Set goals for global human development towards 2020 and elucidated means to accomplish those goals. Based on this plan, the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education was able to enrich the general English learning environment, provided opportunities for international exchange, etc.

Currently, we’ve progressed to the stage where each school can autonomously and independently implement global human resource development initiatives. To promote global human resource development, each school is expected to remain cognizant of building connections between different types of schools, to set goals with a global human resource development perspective, to organically link the variety of practices that have heretofore taken place in education at their schools, and to promote global human resource development through all educational activities at their schools.

(External link)
Click the banner to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education homepage.
